These are incredibly rare, beautiful pieces of polished Madagascan Copal Amber. These all have inclusions where we could see at least one insect. Some are quite small - termites, small prehistoric bugs and even a mosquito! If you have a decent magnifying glass you might find all kinds of weird and wonderful prehistoric plant and animal matter. Copal Amber is often very cloudy and badly polished, but this has fantastic polish and very clear inclusions.
Madagascar stopped the export of amber, so it is very hard to obtain. We sourced these specimens from a supplier who discovered these put away in their warehouse, and we managed to jump in and purchase them immediately.
Amber is technically not a crystal or mineral, but it is one of the few organic gemstones recognised by the gemological world. This copal amber is the preserved resin from a prehistoric tree. The magical quality is that insects (and even sometimes larger creatures such as lizards!) are captured within the resin as it leaks and creeps down. This copal amber was found in Madagascar - and dates to between 10,000 and 200,000 Years old. It is very hard to date copal and other ambers - and some experts believe it to be dated up to 2 Million years old.
These are amazing! Amber this clear with insects is a rare find. They are the final 3 specimens of this Amber. You will receive a piece of amber from 40-50mm long with at least one insect, in a black specimen display case.
We also have one larger piece 75mm long full of inclusions and insects. This piece comes without a display case.